The Next Level with John Mason, August 5, 2018

Charlottesville On Our Minds

On Sunday, August 13, I joined other community members at a rally at Julian Abele park, 22nd and Carpenter streets in South Philadelphia, to protest the violence, by racists and neo-fascists, in Charlottesville, Virginia. Here is the story: a “Unite The Right” rally took place in Charlottesville, around the statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee,  to resist the movement to remove statues of Confederate generals from public sight,. originally set up to glorify and sanitize the ‘Lost Cause” of the Confederacy, the regime which committed treason against the United States for the sole purpose of keeping one race of people in slavery, in a status resembling that of cattle.

The neo-fascists were ready for violence; that is part of fascism, the physical and legal beating down of opponents. They marched down the streets of Charlottesville chanting “Jews will not replace us,” and the old Nazi slogan “blood and soil.” They were accompanied by the rightist “militias,” guys who parade around in camo carrying assault rifles like they’re going to invade somewhere-another frightening phenomenon.

Like schoolyard bullies-such as the current inmate in the White House-they taunt their enemies, hoping the enemies attack them to they can beat them up. Photos of the marching neo-Nazis have gone all over the internet, and they have gotten in trouble with their families and employers; know their name, and spread their shame.

Yes, there was a fight, there was violence; how can you not react to when someone yells about wanting to kill you because of your race or religion? In the incident, one young woman, Heather Heyer, was killed when a car by one of the racists rammed into the protestors. Also, two Virginia State troopers, Lt. H. Jay Cullen and Trooper-Pilot Berke M.M. Bates, died as their helicopter crashed while they monitored the march. (May their memories be a blessing.)

And how did our Commander-in-Chief react? How did he heal thenation’s woulns? He got on TV and acted live all parties, ne-Nazis and protestors, wre equally responsible for violence. That was good news for the white nationalists-neo-Nazis, like David Duke and Richard Spencer, who felt confident that the President of the United States is on their side.

SHAME! There is NO moral equivalence between the racists and neo-fascists one the one hand, and the fine people protesting them and the hate and violence they stand for. The same capitalist class, such as the CEOs populating his manufacturing commissions, has abandoned him-remember, for all his populist talk, trump is one of them-has abandoned him. The military brass has repeated how their forces would never tolerate racism and bigotry in their ranks. The real opposition party in this country is an alert, aroused public, allied with a vigilant news media with backbone; THAT is how we’ll get rid of trump. And so what if Pence talks over after trump? We’ll study, protest repeat against Pence also.


It\\\’s Not Black Folks\\\’ Burden To Forgive Racist Killers

I hate it when any people, when someone attcks them for race, religion, or any other reason, that people are told to “get over it,” like it’s no big deal, and that fighting back is somehow bad. There is this school of thought that says it’s better and somehow “noble” to put up with opporession, suffering, or abuse; “it builds character, real men take abuse and you’ll get your reward in Heaven”-and that resisting and complaining about it is evil, or shows weakness.

That is what I call “slave religion,” epitomized in the old Wobbly song, “you’ll get pie in the sky when you die.” Well, I don’t believe in waiting for the next world, I believe in taking a stand in THIS world.

What did Jesus mean by saying-assuming he DID say it-“Turn the other cheek?” Sit back and let everyone beat the shit out of you? That is the way we have been taught to read that verse, by religious and other institutions who want the lower orders to stay in their place and put up with abuse that benefits those in power. I urge everyone to rethink and challenge all this nonsense.

It\\’s Not Black Folks\\’ Burden To Forgive Racist Killers

via It\\\’s Not Black Folks\\\’ Burden To Forgive Racist Killers.

Tea Partiers Hold ‘Pro-Confederate Rally’ on MLK Weekend (Video) | Americans Against the Tea Party

There are still those who say the Confederacy was a noble cause, and downplaying, WAY down, the fact that it was all about maintaining a slave system and giving poor whites the illusion of having someone to feel superior to. This is nothing to be proud of. The Confederacy was a racist, class-based, oligarchic system that needed to be destroyed.


Tea Partiers Hold ‘Pro-Confederate Rally’ on MLK Weekend (Video) | Americans Against the Tea Party

via Tea Partiers Hold ‘Pro-Confederate Rally’ on MLK Weekend (Video) | Americans Against the Tea Party.

Scalise\’s Dark Knight Casts a Shadow | Brian Levin, J.D.

Scalise didn’t know what David Duke was about? In the politics of Louisiana? That’s the Republican strategy, appeal to racist attitudes while denying being racist.


Scalise\’s Dark Knight Casts a Shadow | Brian Levin, J.D.

via Scalise\’s Dark Knight Casts a Shadow | Brian Levin, J.D..

In 2014 America Abandoned Its Constitution And Devolved Into a Fascist Theocracy

In 2014 America Abandoned Its Constitution And Devolved Into a Fascist Theocracy

via In 2014 America Abandoned Its Constitution And Devolved Into a Fascist Theocracy.

11 Stupid Reasons White People Have Rioted | Alternet

Racism is alive and all too well in this country; we’re just not concious of it, to an extent we don’t question how the “left-liberal-slanted news media” covers riots and civil disorders.


11 Stupid Reasons White People Have Rioted | Alternet

via 11 Stupid Reasons White People Have Rioted | Alternet.

Just Being Black Was Enough to Get Yourself Spied on by J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI | The Nation

Again, here are the facts that the FBI spied on its own citizens. Is standing up for basic rights SUCH a threat to the State? The media myth of the FBI’s invincibility and honor helped protect it, until now. THESE are the good ol’ days the Republican-Tea Party crow want to drag us to.

Just Being Black Was Enough to Get Yourself Spied on by J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI | The Nation

via Just Being Black Was Enough to Get Yourself Spied on by J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI | The Nation.

Murder Suspect Reportedly Killed A Black Man With His Truck, Told Police It Was Obama\’s Fault | ThinkProgress

Horrible! A murder you can NOT excuse!

Murder Suspect Reportedly Killed A Black Man With His Truck, Told Police It Was Obama\’s Fault | ThinkProgress

via Murder Suspect Reportedly Killed A Black Man With His Truck, Told Police It Was Obama\'s Fault | ThinkProgress.

Judge Refuses To Intervene In Lawsuit Over Missing Voter Registrations

If voting doesn’t do any good, then why do certain politicians make laws to keep certain demographic groups from voting? Let’s STAMPEDE the voting booth on November 4 and do the civic duty.


Judge Refuses To Intervene In Lawsuit Over Missing Voter Registrations

via Judge Refuses To Intervene In Lawsuit Over Missing Voter Registrations.