The Mason Missile, June 24, 2024

Greetings, Americans!

It has happened: Donald t—p, the twice-impeached, raping, cheating, stealing, ignorant, self-centered sick bastard who lurked around the white House, has been formally indicted for falsifying business records to hide the hush-money payments to Stormy Daniels, to keep their affair quiet during the 2016 presidential election. ( (

We are at the end of LGBTQ+ Pride Month, when Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning (as in young kids, growing up, ask themselves, “Am I gay?”) show their pride and self-acceptance of who they are and what their sexuality is, and knowing there are others just like them. It’s also a time to fight against those who, “for the noblest of reasons, like religious liberty,” seek to find any excuse to pare down, slice by slice, any or all of the advancements they have made in civil and human rights, and acceptance as citizens. Such attempts include, but not limited to, laws dictating which gender bathroom trans kids go to in school, complaints about libraries hosting drag queen story times, school libraries having LGBTQ+ themed books on the shelves (that show gay kids that there are, and have been in history, others like them)—the list goes on.

Because of these dangerous crusades, gay kids will get the idea that there’s something wrong with being gay—and that THEY THEMSELVES are wrong and evil for being gay. These same crusaders against LGBTQ+-ness, as part of the evangelical rightist movement, have attached themselves politically to the twice-impeached, thrice-married, tax-cheating, wife-cheating, business-cheating, golf-cheating, nation-cheating, rapist and indicted criminal as their presidential candidate.

The interesting thing is, so many of these evangelical campaigners have been found out to be sexually off base themselves. Case in point: Robert Morris, senior pastor of Gateway church, a Texas megachurch, and a “spiritual advisor” for trump, has been found to have had “inappropriate sexual behavior with a young lady” who was TWEVE YEARS OLD at the time. ( The list goes on. The evangelical political movement has shown its corruption by having such a corrupt person as their standard-bearer.

If you want to what a second trump regime (God forbid!) looks like, read about the document popularly called “Project 2025,” put out by the Heritage Foundation, a so-called “think-tank” designed to dress up the most reactionary ideas in the best academic finery. This has been called the “bible” of another trump administration, whose main author is Russel Vought, who was trump’s Director of the Office of Management and Budget. (

Vought, after leaving the government (thank God!), assembled the Center for Renewing America, another position-paper factory, and their documents have gone on about returning America to be “one Nation Under God,” and whining about schools grooming children by drag shows and “wokeness.” Project 2025 has a strong dose of Christian Nationalism to it.

These are some more of the thoughts this think-tank has been thinking:

Concentrate all power upon a unitary executive; this follows the Unitary Executive Theory, which states that the Congress cannot control or limit the President’s power over the executive branch. It was an idea common in the George W. Bush administration, that the President has the absolute authority to locate military forces upon his orders, and arrest and detain persons. It was advanced by John Woo, an attorney in the Office of Legal Counsel in the Bush II administration, during the “War On Terror.” (;

Eliminate the Departments of Justice, of Education, of Commerce, and of Homeland Security, and the FBI (which used to be conservatives’ favorite bureaucracy, along with the military), eliminate cabinet secretaries and replace career civil servants with trump loyalists and flunkies (;

Eliminate protections against discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, and gender identity;

Direct the military to perform domestic law enforcement functions, thereby declaring war on its own fellow-citizens; arrest and deport immigrants; and implement capital punishment with swift “finality.” (

Also in Project 2025 is the idea of restoring the military draft, so that young men and women would be compelled to serve under a commander-in-chief who regards them as “Suckers” and “Losers,” and would not hesitate to use them as cannon fodder for some egocentric war, so he could make himself look like a REAL man; and there would be no anti-war movement to stop it. (

It’s a common political fantasy on the right: look for a “strong man” dictator who would destroy the unclean, non-conforming, and dissenting elements of our society, and not let a silly little thing like Civil and Human Rights, or democracy, get in his way. the evangelical right has, as I have stated, been corrupted by its proximity to power, from the Reagan administration through trump. Its whole agenda anymore is to bash LGBTQ+ people: bash Jews, Muslims and other religious minorities; and ignore discrimination of people based on race and class.

BUT—all is not lost. The presidential election coming up on November 5 will give us the opportunity to end this scheme of dictatorship, by us going out IN DROVES to the ballot box. But concern yourself with the polls; one thing I can’t stand is when the news media acts like trump will win, even before we’ve voted, so why bother to vote?  DO go out and vote, and we will thwart trump and his nightmare of dictatorship. We’ve GOT this!

Stay safe, stay strong, and stay together! Slava Ukraini! Am Yisrael chai! America will be free! Bye!

My Novel, “Soldier Of The Cross.”

Hemperiffic LLC

Trump’s Rally In Vegas

On Sunday, Donald whatshisface held a rally with his cult followers in Las Vegas, as they stood in 110-degree (Farenheit) heat, and several of them passing out from heat-related diseases-after which, trump comes out and seays, “I don’t care about you, I just want your votes,” and he complains about the news media broadcasting that selfish statement (that’s their job, moron!). ( trump has always had scorn for his own deciples, the very same people who cheer him at his rallies and vote for him-for him, that’s all they’re good for.

Later on, trump babbles on about how the teleprompter he was using glitched out on him-I remember when the republican-tea-party right mocked Obama using a teleprompter- and he goes into a word salad about electric boats sinking, his relationship with MIT,  and a woman being eaten by a shark. ( 

There was NOTHING about such issues as the southern border, the economy, Ukraine vs. Russia, Israel vs. Hamas, Infrastructure, health Insurance, etc. It was just the usual tirades about people he hates-such as the law-enforcement agencies FINALLY holding trump accountable for his crimes-and his followers also hate his targets, such as LGBTQ+ people, trans people, dark-skinned people, etc. It was, as they always are, a hatefest, and trump is the avatar of their hatetred in one person.

Here’s ONE more nail in trump’s coffin: the New Jersey Attorney General’s Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control in looking into revoking the liquer license for trump’s golf clubs in Bedminster, and they might also move against his clubs in Pine Hill and Colt’s Neck. ( ( 

I started off depresssing, but I ended with a positive note.


Donald Trump Politics GIF by Hot Head Candles

My Novel, “Soldier Of The Cross.”

Hemperiffic LLC


The Mason Missile, May 22, 2024

Greetings, Americans!

On April 23, I did my duty as an election board worker for my division in Philadelphia. We need more people to step up and take part in OUR political system, and play a part in positively shaping OUR community. Maybe YOU could run for an office? Why not?

And we must stand up to the violent minority who, through their terrorism (terrorism IS very much American, not always abroad) attempt to prevent or weaken the public’s right to vote. Such terrorism includes “voter ID” laws, limiting the number of drop-off boxes for mail-in ballots, and, as in Georgia, prohibiting serving food or beverages to people in line, for hours in whatever weather, to vote. Our right to vote is a mighty weapon in our hands, and certain powerful forces want to take this weapon away from us. Let’s not allow this to happen.

We are in the season of Memorial Day, where we show our respects to those men and women in our Armed Forces who died in service to their country. We must continue to honor their memory, and to assist and aid their loved ones. As opposed to so many political hacks who want to talk all badass without risking themselves (and send low-income kids to get killed), we must genuinely worry about the needs of military families.

The danger of fascism is ALL too real, and it’s not hyperbole, it’s a genuinely American strain we’re up against. Recently, trump, over his “Truth Social” rag of a social media site, put out a video, with AI-generated images of old-time newspapers, on the theme of “What if trump wins? (God forbid!)” One smaller headline talked about a “unified Reich,” as in hitler’s Third Reich. (

The campaign took down the video, but trump showed us once again, for any of us paying attention, what he would do to this country, IF he is elected again. We must add this alongside the march of the torch-bearing neo-Nazis in Charlottesville in August 2017, where he said there were fine people “on both sides”; his telling his rally attendees to beat up anyone who dares stand up to him; his dining with such Jew-haters as Nick Fuentes and Kanye West; his hiring while in office of Steve Bannon, online conspiracy-monger and believer in racist conspiracy theories; trump saying, according to General John Kelly, that hitler “did some good things”;  trump doing nothing while COVID-19 spread all over the country, saying “It is what it is (dictators think their citizens are expendable); and NEVER forget about how trump urged his followers to rampage through the Capitol, to try to destroy the peaceful, democratic transfer of power after losing the 2020 election. NEVER, Americans, forget all that.

Just as hitler cozied up to the big industrialists, financiers, and other conservative elites of Germany for their support (, trump is trying to get money out of the billionaire class to finance his campaign—and to pay for his legal bills. recently, trump held a dinner at Mar-A-Largo with fossil-fuel executives, telling them IF he is elected, he would give them everything they wanted—ending Biden Administration executive orders to protect the environment, eliminating prohibitions in offshore drilling, ending all of Biden’s green energy programs, and granting them more tax breaks—IF they collectively give him $1 billion. ( ( Oil industry lobbyists are already drawing up proposals and strategies to implement these policies IF trump wins.

The fossil fuel moguls may act liked they’re shocked—shocked, I tell you!—but they have no more use for democracy, or for the lower classes (that’s us), than the industrial moguls who thought hitler was a good investment in order to beat down communists, Social Democrats, and unions, and then after the Second world War acted so innocent about what the regime did. Industrial and commercial corporations are authoritarian, hierarchical systems, spanning throughout the globe, and so what chance has a poor individual working person have against such a vast bureaucracy? (Yes, that’s what they are, bureaucracies, raking in TRILLIONS of dollars, and none of this Ayn Rand “rugged individualist” bullshit!)

It’s only through organizing from the grassroots, in our worksites and neighborhoods, we have ANY chance of standing up to these Wall-Street gangsters, and their congressional concubines, and their pet media, and their deluded thugs. Remember November 5 is just a few months away, and we must take our stand and get out and VOTE like our lives, and our country, and our democracy, depend on it, because it does.

Stay safe, stay strong, and stay together! Slava Ukraini! Am Yisrael Chi! America will be free! Bye!

My Novel, “Soldier Of The Cross.”

Hemperiffic LLC



The John Mason Talk-Walk, May 3, 2024

I speak about Kristi Noem’s dog-killing story, and how it reflects on the current Republican Party; and of the trump-ist whine about “discrimination against white people.”

We Can Do It Woman GIF by Atlantic Records

My Novel, “Soldier Of The Cross.”

Hemperiffic LLC



The John Mason Talk-Walk, September 29, 2023

I speak about the silly stuff going on in Washington, with the federal budget and the far-right Republicans not willing to govern; and of Trump losing his fraud case in New York.

My Novel, “Soldier Of The Cross.”

Hemperiffic LLC

The Gilded Jackass

Recently, we have studied to Torah portion Ki-Tissa, Exodus 30:11-34:35. This is the portion where the Israelites, upset that Moses had not come down from Mt. Sinai, and with the agreement of Aaron, gave up their gold objects to construct a calf of gold for them to worship. Moses sees them and, furious, throws the tablets of the Law down at them , orders them to grind up the calf and put it in the water, and drink it as punishment.

Now we have donald trump; at the recent Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC),, a gold-ish statue of trump, made in Mexico and of Fiberglass, was trundled onto the lobby, and the attendees adored it, with a picture of one man bowing down to it like it was an idol.

This comes from evangelical Christian political movement, supposedly a religion banning the worship of a graven image. But it latched onto donald trump as their candidate, so that legislation hostile to LGBTQ people, people of color, and immigrants could be enacted. this is the false god they now worship; and just as the Israelites threw their gold away to construct the original Golden Calf, the followers of the multi-million-collar evangelists donate their money, even their entire fortunes, to the false messiahs on TV, hoping for something better to come to their lives.

These religious charlatans are perfect allies for donald trump, who made his fortune selling false hopes with his “university;” who kept talking about himself as a business whiz, after the bankruptcies of his casinos, and whose fathers money bailed him out; and whose other business ventures-trump Steaks, trump Shuttle Airline, trump World magazine, trump Vodka, trump Steaks, etc.-were one failure after the next.

This is the false god that the conservative movement, the evangelical Christian movement, and the Republican Party bow down to. Just as the Israelites were punished for their sin of worshiping the Golden Calf, so will these movements face disaster, and a well-deserved one at that.

Hemperiffic Card

Take The Gloves Off!

The presidential “debate” this past Tuesday shows once again the kind of bullying rich brat donald trump remains, and the kind of dictator he aspires to be, along with Putin and Kim Jong Un. He constantly interrupted Biden an Chris Wallace, like it was his manorial right as one of the socio-economic elite. Biden, a way more mainstream politician with experience in debating, had to finally bark, “Will you shut up, man?”, realizing trump wont’ follow any rules, either of democracy or common decency.

Wallace asked trump if he would condemn the white supremacist-neo-fascist elements that have rallied to his campaign; trump kept talking about alleged left-wing violence and said (talking like the ignorant bully-boss he is) “Gimme a name.” Biden mentioned the proud Boys, a notorious neo-Nazi gang of thugs ( trump said to them, “stand back and stand down,” telling them to get ready for action.

This is no longer politics as usual; to remain in the White House, trump will utilize every lever of state power, and his hold on his cult followers, encouraging terrorism against his opponents, breaking every law and allowing Russian intelligence agencies to spread misinformation over social media, so that we don’t know who or what to believe. this is the kind of “man” we have as our “president.”

No more of this! No more being pushed around! The civics lessons of junior high no longer apply! We’re NOT giving up, we WILL vote, we WILL take to the courts AND the streets, we WILL save our democracy! Are you ready, Americans?

protesters walking on street
Photo by Kelly Lacy on

Filling Ginsberg’s Seat

Let us pay our respects to the life and work of Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Justice of the US Supreme Court, who was a pioneer in women’s involvement in the legal professions and a champion of women’s and LGBTQ rights through the laws, having personally faced sexism as she studies law through the period prior to the second wave of feminism.

trump showed his face at the memorial service for Ginsberg (why?) but but then he heard the chants, “Vote him out! Vote him out!”, and he scuttled back inside. More and more, he has to face the fact that, aside from his zealous followers that he in reality despises-and who he tolerates if he wants an adoring crowd-so many people are rising up against trump, and are ready to go to the voting booths and the streets to pry him out of power, and are not impressed by his playing dictator, nor his claim that he won’t accept the election results if they don’t suit him.

His idea for replacing Ginsberg on the Court is Amy Coney Barrett, a favorite of religious conservatives bent on totally eliminating women’s reproductive rights. ( Barrett is a member of People of Praise, a conservative Catholic movement said to be the model of Margaret Atwood’s novel The Handmaid’s Tale, the dystopian classic of a future society where women are oppressed by a theocratic regime. (Sound familiar?) In this group, women are supervised by a “handmaiden,” who oversees their decisions about their lives. (

That has been a major Republican project, to load the federal courts with judges who oppose the rights of women, minorities, and workers, and who would repress their efforts to use the government apparatus to advance their rights, making the government solely the instrument of plutocratic power-just think of the Koch brothers. More corporate power mean workers would be at the “mercy” of their corporate masters over working conditions, moving plants out of the country, and employment (or the lack thereof); the environment would be further devastated by pollution, forest fires, and disease; and CEO salaries and bonuses would soar for no good reason while workers wouldn’t event scrape by.

No matter what goes down in the Supreme Court or Congress, we MUST vote on November 3; and also get out on the streets and let them know that we WON’T tolerate our rights being stolen from us. Ruth Bader Ginsberg would want it that way.

people standing near monument with placards
Photo by Shane Aldendorff on

The Mason Missile, September 23, 2020

Greetings, and L’Shana Tova, a sweet and happy and prosperous new year to all of you fine Americans. We are in the midst of the High Holy Days, Rosh haShona and Yom Kippur.

What a test our nation is going through! Can we remove this plague of a President who has undermined our nation’s economy, security, and honor, using the democratic process? Can we elect a person who is essentially decent to office, who knows and respects the Constitution and the people of this nation? I believe w can do it, but we must stay together and strong, and not let any thugs that trump has intimidate us, either with fist, guns, or lawsuits.

We see now how trump, the commander-in-chief, thinks of those in military service, in the Atlantic Monthly article, calling them “suckers” and “losers.”  (  This, from a “man” who talks all bad-ass against peaceful demonstrators and his opponents for his fans (who are just as ignorant and bullying as he is), but utilized his father’s connections to evade the draft for Viet Nam, one of them for the “bone spurs” of legend-while lower-income kids went to die in a useless, tragic war.

ON September 8, the New York Times had an article about the incompetence of the trump campaign‘s financing system. ( trump had a campaign bank account of $1.1 billion late last year, and that gave him a bid advantage over the potential Democratic candidate; but by July, over $800 million has been spent, much of it on fundraising under the then-campaign manager Brad Parscale; campaign ads during the Super Bowl, amounting to $11 million; trump’s legal expenses; and lobbyists. The trump campaign has been a nice cash cow for Parscale and others to tap into, and now the campaign has to watch its spending, just as election day gets closer. (It’s November 3, remember that.)  

 Now we have the book by Bob Woodward, of Watergate fame, Rage (, written after Woodward taped interviews of trump from December through July. trump, according to Woodward, knew the danger posed by the Coronavirus, but refused to treat it like the emergency it is, and choosing to keep saying it’s no big deal, just the regular flu you get event winter, and claiming he “didn’t want to cause a panic.” Panic for whom? The stock market, which is the only part of the “economy” that matters to him, the only thing doing well under his watch?

trump claimed he wanted to be like Churchill during World War II, but a real leader, like Churchill or FDR, would have told the public the facts-that we’re up against a killer disease, and it’s going to be rough for a while, but if we all pull together, show some discipline in wearing masks and social distancing for a while, we can beat this thing. But NOOO, he chose to keep holding his big rallies, while his fans refuse to wear masks and rub up against each other; he also ridiculed mask-wearing, like it was unmanly, denying the virus was serious, and talking about ingesting cleaning fluids into the body. So, due to his inaction and incompetence, over six million Americans have been infected by the COVID-19, and now over 200,000 died, who did not have to die.  

We also honor the memory and work of US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg; may her memory be a blessing and an inspiration for those who want to use the law for the rights of all Americans, particularly women and LGBTQs.

BUT-Ginsberg’s body was still warm when Mitch McConnell, Majority Leader (and apparently High Overlord) of the Senate decides to want to push through a nomination for her replacement ton the Court, a few weeks before the election. Those of us with historical memory remember ow McConnell, in 2016, would not allow a vote on a replacement for Antonin Scalia, saying, in all piety, that the newly-elected President must make the appointment.

The public has come out against the game-playing McConnell and the Senate Republicans on the appointment of Ginsberg’s replacement, saying the nomination must take place after the election. Already the party is losing popularity, and McConnell himself is facing a strong reelection opponent in Amy McGrath, and former Marine fighter-pilot. Doesn’t he know the trouble the party is in? Is he so disconnected from the reality all of us Americans face day by day-a pandemic killing our loved ones; jobs lost due to shutdowns, and people facing eviction and hunger; and racial division, stoked by the tangerine tumor  in the White House, who actually believes that the raving racist mobs at his a=rallies are the true American people.

Americans, this is not our government-not our Senate, not our President. We deserve better than this mess. And, if his former attorney Michael Cohen can be believed, he won’t leave quietly, but he’ll hang on to power by force if necessary. The civics lesson days of American politics are over; we can no longer bargain with the Republican Party like they’re a responsible political player you can deal with over cocktails and at the golf course after hours. They have become the host of the viruses of racism, theocracy, and plutocracy in this country. As the kids of today have done, we must take to the streets and show our numbers, to come together in solidarity, as we also have during the pandemic, i=n seeing how everyone is doing, in delivering food packages, and in other ways. That is how we’ll beat the twin viruses of COVID and trump.

Stay safe, stay strong, and stay together! America will be free! Bye!

person dropping paper on box
Photo by Element5 Digital on

T’shuva for America

We are currently in the Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, the birthday of the world. In this time, we look back at our lives in the past year, and see where we did right, where we could have done better, and find where we can improve as humans. It’s an empowering thing to be able to move away from the errors and mistakes of the past and prepare for a better future. This is, in Hebrew, called T’shuvah, “turning around,” turning from your negative past and moving to a better future.

It’s true with individuals, and it’s true with nations, such as the United States of America. we must continue to move ourselves away from the sin of racism and racial discrimination that has undermined this country’s claim to be the beacon of freedom, democracy and justice. Too many people act as if to criticize the racism in our country is to attack America itself, as if our country is nothing BUT racism. Recently, out alleged “president” has called for a commission, called the “1776 commission,” to oppose the teaching of the racial problems in this country, such as the legacy of slavery and the history of Jim Crow against African-Americans, and to propagate America as nothing but the “sweet land of liberty,” not at all dealing with the discrimination against African-Americans, later Irish immigrants, and people from other lands hoping to find a decent life in America. (

This is not ow you deal with racial problems in this country, by denying them. A true T’shuvah for America would be to admit the racism and xenophobia in our country-so eagerly promoted by the strange person in the White House- and to move to live up to the words of the Declaration of Independence about equality and democracy. we need leaders, coming out of the grassroots-our fellow workers, friends, and neighbors-who can do this, and we can do it.