If the GOP tries to sink the Iran deal, it won’t be the first time – Salon.com

This is the same as when Richard Nixon, who called anti-war demonstrators “bums” and treated them like traitors, contacted the Saigon government and told President Theiu to not agree to a deal with Hanoi and the VC being negotiated by the Johnson administration; the idea was to undermine the peace negotiations so Humphrey wouldn’t get elected in that close election of 1968.

THIS is from the same party that supposedly LOVES the military and is SO super-patriotic, the same party that calls honest dissent teason, and they don’t mind undermining the government and endangering our military personel, so long as it keeps them in power. Should we try to DISBAND the Republican party if it acts like this?

If the GOP tries to sink the Iran deal, it won’t be the first time – Salon.com

via If the GOP tries to sink the Iran deal, it won’t be the first time – Salon.com.

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