New York Times Commenter Beautifully Exposes America\\\’s Racist Mainstream Right

Racial hatred has been the bread and butter of conservatives in their political campaigns foreverlike in the 1988 presidential campaign, when the George HW Bush campaign used Willy Horton as their idea of a “law and order” poster child, and using the word “liberal” like it’s a sexual perversion, knowing that in the South, remembering the Civil Rights era and how they lost, uses the word.

Also, Ronald Reagan in the 1980 presidential campaign, stopping in Philladelphia, Mississippi-where three Civil Rights activists were killed-” proclamed, “I believe in states’ rights,” the slogan the Old South used before the Civil War in their fight to hold on to their precious slavery which gave them their lifestyle and their false sense of superiority.

The racist beat goes on, alas, and politicians rely on racial hatred to score votes, hoping that white Americans stay stupid enough to go along with it, playing the tune of racism over and over again. THEY think-they HOPE-we won’t advance our minds out of racism; I believe we can.

New York Times Commenter Beautifully Exposes America\\’s Racist Mainstream Right

via New York Times Commenter Beautifully Exposes America\\\’s Racist Mainstream Right.

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