NO Pardon For trump!

It’s done! The jury in the case of the People of New York vs. Donald J. trump found trump GUILTY on all 34 counts in the “hush money” case surroounding the payoff to Stormy Daniels, and trump’s falsifying business records to cover up the payoffs. ( 

What happens now? There are predictions that trump’s cult followers will react by rampage to the polls, or some will get violent. That IS how they are-violent and fanatical for their master, who encourages their racism and violence, and their bullying of those they feel are weak-like us, we who stand up to trump.

AND-just like Neville Chamberlin allowed hitler to take Czechoslovakia piecemeal to avoid a war, there are thonse whho say it would be safer to appease trump’s followers, by pardoning trump, letting get away with his crimes. It’s just like in 2020, when Al Gore, who had the most popular votes for President, lost due to bullying and corruption in the Electoral College voting (showing the Electoral College is an institiution long over due for extiction). It’s the idea that trump’s groupies will be satisfied and calm down, and not be violent.

HELL NO! Appeasement never works, neither in Munich or in the New York courtroom. If we give in to trump’s goons, bullies, and thugs, it will motivate them to further violece. They’ll see that bullying gets them whatt they want, and they won’t stop until they’ve destroyed all of us.

I oppose any pardon or amnesty for turmp. The republican Party, one of trump’s WORST enablers, and long called themselves the law-and-order, lock-’em-up,war-on-drugs party, are now treating trump as a martyr, but by riding on the trump wagon, they’ve proved themselves useless to the country. As for trump,his racist demand to execute the young men falsely accused of rape in Central Park in 1989, even when it was proved to be a false charge, shows the contradictory nature of the Republican attitude towards law and crime. ( 

Let the word go forth that the rule of law is for EVERY body, and should not be modified for people of power and affluence. NO pardon for trump must be our demand.


New York Trump GIF by Storyful

My Novel, “Soldier Of The Cross.”

Hemperiffic LLC

1 thought on “NO Pardon For trump!

  1. I agree with you John, I am glad the hoopla in New York is over. I has kept all the other news from the front page of the papers or the lead story on broadcast media for too long.

    My fear is that behind the scenes plans are in place to have Biden to step down and bequeath is vote to the Governor of California. Is the rest of the Country ready for that kind of leadership?

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