COVID Relief

At last! After months of stalling, political game-playing, and outrageous demands for benefits for favorite financial interests, trump WILL sign the the coronavirus relief package, which also includes funding for operating the federal government through September 2021.

the bill includes the pared-down $600 stimulus payments for each American; support for weekly unemployment benefits; and funds for small businesses and vaccine distribution.

Don’t once think that trump-who, while unemployed people were facing evictions and empty bellies-valiantly played golf, abdicating his responsibilities during a grave economic and health crisis. He is the same “president” who pardoned Paul Manifort, Roger Stone, and Charles Kushner (Jared’s father). ( He has also pardoned four Blackwater gunmen who were involved in the massacre of 17 Iraqi civilians in Nusoor Square in 2007. (

This shows what and who he values-his self-interest and aggrandizement, his lack of compassion, his lost of sense of reality, and his racism. Let’s not allow his one burst of good sense blot out the memory of his crimes while occupying the Presidency.

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Photo by Donald Tong on

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