Life hacks for 2017: The bad habits you should give up if you want to be successful — Quartz

Life hacks for 2017: The bad habits you should give up if you want to be successful — Quartz

Source: Life hacks for 2017: The bad habits you should give up if you want to be successful — Quartz

Here is some wisdom I want to pass along for the New Year.

2 thoughts on “Life hacks for 2017: The bad habits you should give up if you want to be successful — Quartz

  1. The article had some very good ideas that a not traditionally covered at the end of the year, such as give up the magic bullet and especially give up multi-tasking. My belief is that corporations need to learn the multi-tasking is inefficient also. In some positions, multi-tasking damages not only the productivity of the employee but the moral of the employees. It reminds me of the old proverb about too many irons in the fire. Nothing gets finished correctly.

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