Meet the South’s biggest idiot: “I feel very much like the Jews must have felt in the very beginning of the Nazi Germany takeover” –

I take this time to write about the latest news.

I was pleased when the Supreme Court-the same damn court that brought us Citizens United, opening up the floodgates of corporate cash to further corrupt our political system-upheld the Obama health insurance program, AKA “Obamacare.” I personally would like to see a national single-payer system, a sort of Medicare covering all Americans. Health is a right and a necessity, not a luxury for the rich, and it should not be treated as an “industry” that rakes in billions of dollars for a few shareholders.

Also, the Supreme Court- the same damn court that stated that there was no more racism, so the Voting Rights Act could be weakened-upheld the right of same-sex couples to attain the blissful state of matrimony. Tears came to my eyes when I heard the news, and I SMIIIIILED the rest of the day.

I am also proud of the young woman who, in South Carolina, took down the Confederate battle flag-rag in front of the state capitol, and allowed herself to be arrested for it. For history’s sake, that rag was not THE Confederate flag, it was actually the battle flag of Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia. There were several variation of the national flag of the Confederate States of America, the attempt by traitors to destroy the United States of America because they wanted to hold on to their slaves-THAT is the heritage the Confederate flag represents, no matter how much the Johnnie Reb wannabees say it isn’t.

Meet the South’s biggest idiot: “I feel very much like the Jews must have felt in the very beginning of the Nazi Germany takeover” –

via Meet the South’s biggest idiot: “I feel very much like the Jews must have felt in the very beginning of the Nazi Germany takeover” –

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